Sunday, April 3, 2011

Theres nothing like a detox to get my heart pumping.

Today I start my detox,

It's a five day kit with these juice things. It has a list of foods you are allowed to eat I am going to try not too eat them. Maybee one little meal of fruit a day?

It is the skinni mini diet kit. Has anyone tried it?
Some Effects are nausea, diareer and constipation. The first two I can handle but ah to constipation!
Hopefully it works. No coffee is going to be hard and no alcohol will be impossible!
Anyway I will let you all know how it goes,

Wish me luck!

now. life, let me think. This week I quit collage. I had too many assiments and my heart just wasnt in it anymore so I am having a bit of me time? while looking for a job.ah.over it!
anyway hope all is welll with you guys!

1 comment:

Tai said...

Oooo! I hope the detox works well for you. I've never heard of the skini mini diet.

Yeah, sometimes it's such a relief to say *fuck you* to school and go live in the 'real world' for a while. I hope you find a great job!