Monday, February 14, 2011


ah hello!
I have been excited to blog as I found some really cool pictures,
anywho not much has been happening just watchin sex and the city like non stop!
I aam learning to surf tomorrow which is exciting.. I love the beach so much and surfing is exercise but fun. yay! I went out last night and had shots and vodka lime and soda's. Thanks for the tips :) 
ummm what else to say.
I am completely crushing on a new guy,
he is a bit of a muso but so hot and sweet. I may be seiing him this weekend so we will wait and see!!
Hope all is well <3


Tai said...

"boo, you whore" hehe. I love that movie! It's totally on my computer so I can watch it at any time.

I really want to learn how to surf this summer. I dabbled a bit a few years ago and it was awesome.

I hope things work out for the best with the guy you like!

désespérée de maigrir said...

I love the way you've set up your blog, so any lovely photos and thinspo! Thanks for congratulating me :)

It's my dream to learn to surf on my honeymoon... who knows when that will be, considering I'm not engaged, but a girl can dream!

A said...

I love your photos, they're amazing! Such great thinspo. Also congrats on the progress, & hope everything works out with the new boy! Stay strong, xo A

Moonlight Mistress said...

Hey, thanks for the comment and for following me. Following you back!


Harlow B said...

I've always wanted to learn how to surf and to try it at least once. It looks so fun and surfers always look so toned and athletic! Hope you enjoy it :)

~ Harlow