Thursday, February 17, 2011


Hey, Hey what's happenin?
Well have been going ok over the last few days, food wise.
 Budget wise I have been failing to the maximum.
 It sucks I am so broke I cant really afford food! YAY. 
So had collage today, felt sick but it was semi interesting!:) Neally the weekend yay! so that beens shots, confidence and fun.. I hope you gyes are doing something fun!! Going to the gym tomorrow was going to go tonight but it shut early what the hell? 

umm what else to report.
 I am so tired hmmm.
 I have been kind of worried lately because ever since I went of the pill I havnt had my period and it's been a yeaar since ive had it again! It went away when I lost wieght but I have put it and more back on and its still not there. Anyone have any reasons?
Well I'm off sex and the city is calling but I L O V E Y O U A L L, so introduce yourselves!!

ps. I am still making a bucket list so if you can think of any cool/fun/ wierd things to do then blast them at me


remerta said...

the only thing on my bucket list is to get really really thin, which is an obvious one.

Jéanne said...

Being broke sucks sideways! My washing machine is on the fritz so I've been washing by hand! It's exhausting! With any luck, I've burned a few extra calories!

Hope you are well and having a good day!

Cinnamon Brown. At your service! <3. XXX.

Tai said...

Not being able to afford food is the only good thing about being broke. And dragging yourself all the way to the gym only to discover that it is closed is such a pain! I hate it when that happens.

I hope you feel better soon! I would add, 'visit a nudist colony' to your bucket list.

A said...

Ah, I totally can relate to the whole period thing, I was on bc, & I lost weight, plus went off it & I didn't get my period for the half a year, & even when I gained weight I didn't get it. The doctor said it was because the birth control was still in my system. So I'm sure that's something yours has to do with it too. But I'd still ask your doctor & have fun this weekend! I'm so happy! Party party party time! & yay for the oging broke part so you don't have to buy food! As for bucket list.. I have things like visit every continent, all the states, & touch every body of water. Hope that helps. Stay strong, xo A

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the comment.
I wish you a relaxing and beauteous weekend.