Wednesday, February 9, 2011

yeah' your fat, thats all.

Have not been good,
Quite the oppisite have been very bad.
Life sucks, f*** you.
For one. I feel sick, ate too much, lost my friends expensice jacket, got a 140 dollar parking fine, didnt go to the gym today, have collage tomorrow, spent all my money, feel ugly and over it.
Tomorrow i'm going to bye a blender to make juices.
I think I am going to bye a bike, ride it to coallge fittt baby.
Have been baby sitting lately, wish I got paid, or laid maybee then I would be happy.
Valentine. Be mine?


Stephanie Sonia said...

Don't stress over the bad, because it will only make you stronger. You can do this! We are all in this together :D The juices idea is a great idea! & thank you for commenting my blog, I'm glad to have support from someone out there, especially someone nice who I can relate to.

Tai said...

I hope your day has been better since then. I will most certainly be your valentine. Thank you for your comment on my blog!


beablanketbucket said...

Hello :) I am so happy to see that my blog has inspired you. I am happy to find a new person to follow as well. It's hard, honestly. I am trying to be completely honest about my daily life, yet it seems hard to find others who are as focused as I am. I am not perfect, I don't like to disappoint others, but I want to be thin. I look forward to commenting more on your blog and keeping up with you. I will give as much support as I can, I am new to this, yet this is definitely a primary concern for my own life and how I would like to live. Thank you for your messages. :) I look forward to getting to know you better.

Sarah Bea