Absolutely no dairy products EVER.
This includes honey, milk, chocolate, yogurt, butter and eggs.If I am desperate I am allowed an egg white.
Absolutely no meat.
This will be easy as I have been vegetarian for basically my whole life.
Absolutely no carbohydrates.
This will be a struggle exspecially bread. yumm!
So that will be hard I will just stick to fruit (exspecially fresh juices), vegetables, nuts, soup, and tea!
A typical day will hopefully consist of:
Breakfast- A grapefruit
morning tea- A cup of tea
Lunch- fresh juice and lemonade icypole (45 calories)
Afternoon tea- A cucumber and celery
dinner- A juice and soup if really hungry.
Food I can eat if in need of a snack:
bluberries,tea and blackberries-frozen :)
Will update the amount of calories when I confirm them.